Bee Kind T-Shirt tutorial
Join me in making a cute t-shirt with a sweet message. I used Iron Orchid Designs stamps and ink along with a t-shirt and some paint for a fun craft.
You will need a few things to make your shirt:
Iron Orchid Designs Queen Bee Stamp
Iron Orchid Designs Typesetting Stamp
Iron Orchid Designs Thin Mount sheet
A t-shirt. I liked bright yellow for the bee theme, you can use whatever color you like.
Paint in a creamy color. I used Fusion Mineral paint, you can use craft paint with fabric medium if you'd like.
Before you start wash and dry your shirt. After you are done you will need to iron your shirt once it's thoroughly dry to set the ink. I used a cloth between the iron and the stamped area. It's fast and fun! Thanks for stopping by.