Updates. New website soon! How are you?
Watch our Facebook page for new how to and projects this week. What Iron Orchid Design products have you been wanting to use but haven't yet? Are you looking for new ideas, want to know more about how to use the product? Email or message and I will be happy to answer any questions. I will hopefully be doing more creative tutorials soon.
How are you doing? With so much stuff going on it's hard to feel like you have taken a deep enough breath sometimes. I have set up a Facebook private group that has just gotten started. Please join the Bluebird Mercantile Creative Nest, maybe it will be a place to come and share your day, learn new things and make some new friends.
I just wanted to touch base. I know I told you this week our new website is getting started. I'm so excited to have the site look nice and be easier for you to navigate. I set it up myself and it gets the job done, but not well.
It will have much easier navigation to find products, better info on how to use products, more product categories. I'm hoping we can add some more products you will like. Clothing and more craft supplies. Let me know if you see a product and would like us to check on carrying it for you.