"Memorial Day 2020, already?"
This crazy year has flown by. I can't believe it's already Memorial Day weekend after all the shut downs and new routines. My birthday is coming up, it used to be the day they celebrated Memorial Day until everything changed to Monday's, it's always been special to me. The parades and families paying tribute to our fallen soldiers with lots of red white, and blue everywhere. Bright green grass and red geraniums! It's time to run around in the sprinkler and have BBQ's.
I kinda feel guilty for wanting to enjoy life right now, it's not easy for everyone. Because of the situation we've had to deal with a lot of memorials and sadness so far in 2020, but there is a bunch of good out there too. It has shown how much we can do when we need to.
For me making things is my therapy, I know a lot of you are the same way. So I am going to get out my things and make some flower pots and maybe a few gifts the weekend. Below are a few pics of things I've made before. Join me in enjoying life for a bit. Let's make some new things. Create and be happy. I hope you are all well. If you need any products let me know.
Thanks for stopping by!
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